Tacoma’s Grand Chateau: Stadium High
The Northern Pacific intended its Tacoma hotel to be one of the world's grand chateaux. After a fire, it was converted to Stadium High School with its grand athletic field.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to Step Down as Voters Abandon Him
The next few months will be a test of Canadian nationalism, the will to defy a bully, and the ability of the center-left Liberals to change heads in an election year.
Washington is Home to Some of the Nation’s Largest Trees
Although rain-soaked Western Washington boasts the most impressive collection of tall trees, other regions are in the running.
Explaining Curious Washington Names
The name Mazama is Spanish for mountain goat, a likely improvement to its first designation as Goat Creek.
Biden’s Pardon (and Mine)
I had no such deferments, so I refused induction. Twice. My objection was not to the military, nor to the draft. I wanted nothing to do with the Vietnam war. In retrospect, I regret that decision.