Wendy Liu

Wendy Liu of Mercer Island has been a consultant, translator, writer and interpreter. Her last book was tilted "My first impression of China--Washingtonians' First Trips to the Middle Kingdom."

Chinese Artist-Activist Ai Weiwei, Celebrated for Speaking Up, is Canceled (Again) for Speaking Up

Responding to the cancellation of his shows in London, New York, Paris, and Berlin, the outspoken Ai Weiwei, characteristically, had more to say.

What China’s Netizens Think About the Israel-Hamas war

Just as in free countries like the U.S., China’s micro-bloggers are as well-informed as well as divided in their positions over this terrible war in Israel.

Xi Jinping, Pen Pal

You must wonder why Xi Jinping, as head of China, replies to a letter from an obscure nonprofit in Washington. Well, in fact, Xi has been a kind of pen pal, as KING-5 News once described, with mayors of Tacoma, Steilacoom, and the principal of Lincoln High since his visit to Tacoma.

The China Connection: A Quiet Flow of Chinese into the US

The “run philosophy” has been allowed to thrive on censored social media .makes one wonder if the Chinese government encourages it or ignores it
