Ted Olinger

Ted Olinger is an award-winning writer and associate editor of the Key Peninsula News.

The Book John Steinbeck Almost Wrote About the Pacific Northwest

Together with Ed Ricketts’ seminal Between Pacific Tides (1939), “it was going to be a trilogy that would complete the biological intertidal scientific data on the entire West Coast of the United States to Mexico and as far as Alaska.

The Violence Project: Mass Shootings Are Preventable

"The authors' message is clear: Mass shootings are preventable by numerous routes through individual, institutional, and societal effort. We’re just doing it wrong."

Life as it Once Was: A Backwater Peninsula on Puget Sound

The Key Peninusula has been home to anarchists, millionaires, loggers, and poets. It remains the summer refuge for whatever the opposite of a snowbird is.

A Proud American Tradition: They Banned Vonnegut. Now They Banned Me

The essential American tradition that the best response to unwelcome speech is more speech has been subsumed by audiences targeted for division and weaponized for profit.

Gun Owner: It Really is Time to “Well Regulate”

I want to keep my guns. But If I have to pass a test to prove I know how and when to use a firearm, I will accept that.
