Anthony B. Robinson

Tony is a writer, teacher, speaker and ordained minister (United Church of Christ). He served as Senior Minister of Seattle’s Plymouth Congregational Church for fourteen years. His newest book is Useful Wisdom: Letters to Young (and not so young) Ministers. He divides his time between Seattle and a cabin in Wallowa County of northeastern Oregon. If you’d like to know more or receive his regular blogs in your email, go to his site listed above to sign-up.

Impeachment Failed. So Was It Worth It?

The impeachment process put a stake in the ground. It has put House members, Senators, and many others on record on this President. It has provided information, testimony, and argument that frame the issues and what is at stake here. That has been worth doing, even if the outcome falls short of removal from office.

Has Downtown Seattle Become a War Zone?

Add to the crime problem the coming years of "The Seattle Squeeze," caused by massive construction activity, and you have a Downtown Seattle under political strain.

Evangelical Churches Create Celebrities, While Mainliners Get Shy. Why?

"We cannot imagine being proud to see one of our mainline authors, from our subculture, on the shelf at Walmart. In many ways, our objections to celebrity are a veiled way of talking about class.”

Live Or In Person: Is The Sports Experience Better On The Couch Than At The Stadium?

While you are watching (or trying to ignore) TV commercials at home, everybody in the stadium is spending that time waiting. The players stand around. Some stroll off and back on the field. They have enough time to order a pizza or call their wives. Quarterbacks walk over to the sidelines to confer with coaches.

The Religious Basis for Pelosi Saying She Prays for the President

It will not come as a surprise to Christians who know the Bible that Pelosi would pray for the President and would invoke her religious upbringing in this regard. Christians are instructed to pray for “kings and all who are in high positions,” in Paul’s letters to Timothy.

Why Do Christian Evangelicals Support Trump And Not Buttigieg?

"If mainstream media figures believe that Mayor Pete speaks the same Christian language as Trump’s Evangelical base, they need to think again. He’s a sincere proponent of a faith that is very different from theirs.”

Heroic Civil Servants And The Tribe That Doesn’t Care

Our political identities and affiliations have become our definitive, ultimate identities. There was a time when politics was serious but not ultimate. It was the realm of compromise. Now, politics and political loyalties have taken on a quasi-religious quality.

Pass Me The Subpoena Colada! And an Essay Book.

While incarcerated McDowell has been given a writing assignment by the judge. He is to write four essays on the following topics: “Finding Meaning in Life Other Than Committing Crimes,” “Principles of the Declaration of Independence and How Your Behavior Undermines Them,” “Importance of Respecting the Rule of Law,” and “Importance of Respecting Property Rights.”

Dem Debates: The Leftward-Ho March Is Slowing

And Joe? God bless him. He must be related to George W. Bush. The English language is not, apparently, his native tongue.

‘Unhappy the Land That Needs Heroes’

Leadership expert Ron Heifetz is fond of saying, “Leadership is disappointing people at a rate they can stand.”
