Steve Clifford

Steve Clifford, the former CEO of KING Broadcasting, has written humor for and the Huffington Post. He is the author of "The CEO Pay Machine."

Stuck At Home? It’s Working Out Great For This Misanthrope

"It has been a great Spring. The Mariners are enjoying their best season in 20 years. All board retreats and planning sessions are cancelled. Week after week with no flip charts, no magic markers, no breakout groups, no facilitator praising blather as great ideas."

Humor: Trump, “Reality” TV, and another Brilliant Cabinet Meeting

"I am planning a three-hour television special, 'The Toughest Decision in History,' where I will announce the biggest decision I have ever faced, in fact, the biggest decision that any political leader has ever faced. It will be incredible TV. Tremendous TV."

“We Shall Beat It On The Beaches, We Shall Beat It On TV” – Trump’s COVID Oratory Through Our Churchill Spinometer

Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to me, and me alone. Only I can fix this.

Black Humor: Investing In A Time Of Plague

“Our new model portfolio is 45% gold mining stocks, 45% canned food, and 10% timeshare interests in fallout shelters.”

The Donald Gets Virus Serious: Cue Belittling Nicknames and Nasty Tweets

Calling for a Senate investigation, Trump said, “Let’s subpoena all of the records of the low IQ coronavirus’ dealings with Hunter Biden and Burisma. Disgraceful.”

7(0) Deadly Sins: Clifford’s Five-Year Plan For Surviving Trump

In purging Trump from your mind, my wife advised, “Start with something simple. In March begin with the beastly length of his ties. In April add that for all his money, he employs cheap tailors and none of his suits fit."

Humor: Comrades of Seattle! You Have Nothing to Lose but Good Jobs!

Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, a former labor organizer, said, “Goods jobs are killing the unions. No one making $200,000 wants to be represented by inept union hacks. We need more dreadful jobs to keep the labor movement strong and vital.”

Some Good News About the Trump Dynasty. Just Wait for 2024.

Things may look bad for now, but by 2024 Donald Trump Jr. faces an uphill battle for getting elected president. Feel better now?

Let Us All Praise “Hardworking” “Patriotic” Americans. But What About We “Productive” Americans?

Other than loving police and abusing immigrants, what identifies a “patriotic American”? Military service is not necessary since bone spurs deny this opportunity to the most patriotic of Americans.

Humor: Tips on Buying Off Shakedown Artists on the Phone

It was Seattle City light threatening to turn off my electricity unless I paid them $857 immediately. I told them to collect a $1,000 Amazon gift card.
