Steve Clifford

Steve Clifford, the former CEO of KING Broadcasting, has written humor for and the Huffington Post. He is the author of "The CEO Pay Machine."

Scandale: Puccini’s newly discovered La boheme Sequel (Marcello as Hedge Fund Manager)

When Puccini died in 1924, it was rumored that he was working on a sequel...

Supreme Court: Reaffirms the Inalienable Right to Infect

The majority Justices found that “penumbra of the second amendment” established the inalienable right to infect.

The Biden Doctrine: Pummeling Putin with Words

The Adjectival School, favored by the career diplomats, advocate strengthening Biden’s message by placing a triple adjective before every warning, for example, “further aggression against Ukraine will have massive, massive, massive, massive, massive, massive consequences and will carry a very, very, very high price.” 

Limited Time Offer! My Business College for the Real World

“How to Cook the Books” will be a required core course at my new Seattle-based Graduate School of Real Business, that will disrupt the MBA industry by teaching the skills students actually need to succeed in business.

Gettin’ Down with the New In Crowd (A Primer)

Moral superiority is rewarding if outrage and umbrage is your idea of fun. If not, reconsider cool.

Exclusive! Sneak Peak at My Futuristic Satirical Novel Every Publisher Rejected

A publisher writes: "You fill your book with conspiracy theories so laughable they would not find an adherent in a lunatic asylum. This is not funny. This is sick beyond imagination. This is where I threw the manuscript into a wastebasket."

Love and the New Hookups: Politics First!

No one is looking for love. Everyone wants political validation. Who needs love, affection, and empathy when shared umbrage, common political enemies, and reciprocal moral smugness are now the foundation of a lasting relationship?

An Astrid By Any Other Name…

Today’s parents, thinking that the name Astrid contributes a half-step rise in social statue, fail to realize that their peers from similar families, schools, and social backgrounds also think the name Astrid connotes eminence. Quickly Astrid will forfeit its cachet.

And Here Comes Texas To Save us From “Fake” History

In the special session, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dade Phelan hope to enact “Perpetual Packing” legislation to strengthen second amendment rights. This bill requires “real patriots” to always carry one or more firearms, even when showering.

How to Speak Like an Art Expert (in Seven Easy Lessons)

Sign up for our offer, and you will be considered a cognoscente of painting, classical music, opera, literature, poetry and theatre, while remaining ignorant of these subjects. But you must act now. We have only a few openings left.
