Steve Clifford

Steve Clifford, the former CEO of KING Broadcasting, has written humor for and the Huffington Post. He is the author of "The CEO Pay Machine."

Weaponizing Accountability: Impaled on Their Own Words

When the infallible hold "accountable" the impotent, meaning of this word is unfathomable.

SDOT (Slow Down Our Town): Our Master Plan to Make Madison St. Impassible

The Council is threatening to defund SDOT by 50% and turn over street maintenance to social workers and community activists. Unless you offer some ideas for strangling Madison Street, you could lose your jobs. 

A Jerk’s Appeal for Empathy

We Jerks are victims of demeaning verbal assaults, overt discrimination, micro-insults, stereotyping, and exclusions that invalidate our cultural heritage.

Sen. Heartless Has a PR Problem

Sending out the Senator's heart to aggrieved communities creates a tricky logistical problem.

Stocks Down? Don’t Worry. Be Happy.

Don’t stew over the next Covid surge or Monkeypox, since these diseases create investment opportunities.

Boeing: Move to DC is all About Our Values

"We are moving to Arlington to concentrate on lobbying, coopting regulators, buying politicians, sucking up to Generals, flattering bigwigs, cozying up to reporters, and misinforming the public."

Hey Baby – Hot 4U Wants 2B Your Friend!

Age makes some men look very distinguished. I am probably one of them.

Critical Math Theory: Parents Don’t Like it!

Exploitive Math is analytical, and therefore, by definition, divisive.

City Council’s Magic Bullet for Shoplifting: The Municipal Fencing Department

The City Council promptly endorsed this proposal, 6-3, stating that the new department would “protect this marginalized group from economic exploitation and a toxic work environment, end the tyranny of a brutal criminal gang, and not only pay for itself but actually run a surplus.

Twenty-two Reasons for Inflation

Inflation should be treated as a public health problem. Let the CDC and Fauci fight inflation.
