Steve Clifford

Steve Clifford, the former CEO of KING Broadcasting, has written humor for and the Huffington Post. He is the author of "The CEO Pay Machine."

Business Plan: How I’m going to Influence Influencers and Make a Fortune!

"I will be a social media influencer. It’s easy money. Last year Kylie Jenner averaged $2,386,000 per post,” I told my dubious wife..

Get with the Program: Trump’s Post-DEI Test

Is the right answer to my promotion exam, Deep State Transgenders, or Illegal War-Mongering Ukrainian Immigrants?

My New Year’s Resolutions: Stop Aging, Get Rich, Correct Pronunciations

Celebrate good news. Every morning ask Alexa how many airplanes landed safely at SeaTac yesterday.

Inside the Departments of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse

An investigative team at Fortune published a bombshell: THE DEPARTMENT OF WASTE DOES NOT EXIST. Neither did the Departments of Fraud and Abuse, which have never existed.

Trump’s Jumbo Appointments: The Few, the Brave, the Big

Regarding nominees for Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Trump stated, “These are Big Men. The WAVES will love them.”

I Know why Trump was Elected

My reasoning: Asked what qualities they desired in in a President, the top choices for women and non-straight white males were: judgement, intelligence, leadership, empathy. Straight white men chose: knowledge of NFL rules; laughs at fart jokes.

What is it about Springfield? Now the Restaurants are Serving Stolen Pets?

JD Vance warned that that stolen pet restaurants could drive other fast food chains out of business. “My private equity friends in Silicon Valley are raising billions of dollars to invest in this industry.”

How I Cope with My Most Excellent Memory

I use cutting edge technology and mnemonic methods to compensate for age-appropriate memory loss.

Move Along, Nothing to See. Our Lies are Good Lies

"My lies are good lies. I lie to preserve democracy. Trump’s lies are bad lies."

How God Annointed Trump for America

God spaketh: "America shall become a desolate land where truth has no meaning, but everywhere lying triumphs and conspiracy theories and disinformation suffocate mere facts."
