Sally J. McMillan

Sally J. McMillan, author of "Digital Immigrants and Media Integration," is a writer, academician, and organizational leader. She has been a high school teacher, book editor, non-profit leader, journalist, technology executive, university professor, academic administrator, and higher education consultant.

Swimming in a Sea of Misinformation: It’s MisinfoDay

“We are all kind of swimming in a sea of information and misinformation. Learning how to navigate that is really important work.”

Stolen Pride: Rise of the Resentful Right

A thoughtful look at "red America" reveals a lot about why Donald Trump won in rural areas: a loss of jobs and pride chief among them.

How Trump Threatens Academic Research–and its Publication

Cuts to federal funding for research could result in less overall scholarly output and less open access publishing.

2024 in Higher Ed: Adapting but Under Pressure (And What’s Ahead)

Trump has also threatened to eliminate the federal department of education and to deport international students who participate in campus protests. Vice President-Elect JD Vance has identified colleges and universities as “the enemy.”

Case Study in the Indie Bookstore Revival: Ballard Books

Prior to the middle of last century, chain bookstores were rare. Some department stores, notably Marshall Field & Company of Chicago, created massive book departments. But in 1958, small independent bookstores sold about 72 percent of all books; by the early 2000s, that number had dropped to 12 percent.

A Reckoning for College Enrollments?

Will the triple threat of the FAFSA fiasco, COVID changes, and demographic declines result in classes that are too small to sustain financially? 

Women Who Break Running Barriers

I think there's something very special about women’s sports. I would never advocate for getting rid of that. I would advocate for expanding the way that we think.

A Different Path Through High School

Washington offers high school students multiple options for alternative learning experiences (ALE).

Reconnecting with our Technology Roots @ a Georgetown Museum

Aiden Kelly says he can “almost hear how the old analogue machines are thinking. You can look at it and see how it is operating.” He works with dial-up modems and enjoys “the iconic sound of connecting to the internet. I like the idea that these two computers are singing a song to each other.”

Bedeviled by Delays: Applying for College Financial Aid

The delays are likely to hurt some colleges more than others. Those with large numbers of students eligible for need-based Pell grants and those serving large numbers of minority students could experience major challenges.
