Junius Rochester

Junius Rochester, whose family has shaped the city for many generations, is an award-winning Northwest historian and author of numerous books about Seattle and other places.

Judge Thomas Burke: The “Roly-Poly Lawyer” was a Super-Patriot

The mundane practice of law was never enough to satisfy the bursting Irish energy of Burke, attorney to the wealthy and friend of the working poor.

Northwest Sings: The Musicians who Defined Us

Music arrived early with the Native songs, trapper songs, and the hymns brought by missionaries. Many more national stars came from the Northwest.

Richard Hugo: The View from West Marginal Way

West Marginal Way threads it way to and from Hugo’s home town of White Center.  Later poems feature the streams and mountains of Montana.

Without Rival: The Columbia Gorge

In 1805-1806, Lewis and Clark, Thomas Jefferson’s intrepid travelers, first charted the Gorge’s path and wonders.  Later, trappers, voyageurs, and missionaries followed and mapped and described new details of this unique highway.

Big Business: Washington now 1000 Wineries Strong

Washington was placed by the wine gods between 30 degrees and 50 degrees latitude north and south of the equator – the historic region for grape growing in Europe. 

Making Washington State Legal: Remembering Al Schweppe

When Seattle attorney and scholar Alfred J. Schweppe, age 93, died in April of 1988, his name was high in the legal firmament, and beyond.  He had seemingly touched the lives of most Washington state residents.

Seattle’s Dogwood Press: Quality Design and Off-beat Authors

Dogwood Press gems, now collectors' items, represent a gentle man's life in a skilled trade now largely taken for granted.

Old Seattle: Origin Stories of the Legendary Seafair

Nard Jones once wrote: "It's a hick show that has nothing to do with Seattle's traditions."  With tongue in cheek, Jones recommended that Greater Seattle leaders be strapped into the cockpits of old hydroplanes: "set the throttle wide and aim at the log boom.  The crowd would love it."

Harry Truman Seattle Stories

At Seattle's Olympic Hotel, while laying out his program in free-swinging Missouri fashion, an excited member of the audience suddenly hollered: "Give 'em hell, Harry."  Truman stopped, looked at the audience and said that he didn't give anyone hell, he just told the truth and his opponents thought it was hell. 

The Pioneer Businesses that Built Seattle

As a job-factory, except for a few brief economic bumps, the Pacific Northwest has long provided employment opportunities, with economic saviors regularly coming to town.
