Bruce Ramsey

Bruce Ramsey was a business reporter and columnist for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer in the 1980s and 1990s and from 2000 to his retirement in 2013 was an editorial writer and columnist for the Seattle Times. He is the author of The Panic of 1893: The Untold Story of Washington State’s first Depression, and is at work on a history of Seattle in the 1930s. He lives in Seattle with his wife, Anne.

America’s Tiniest Apartments: Seattle’s Developers Are Building Them

Seattle’s apartments are smaller than San Francisco’s — even smaller than Manhattan’s.

Will Republicans Really Ban Abortion Nationwide?

Trump is sending a signal: No national abortion ban. In essence, what he’s saying to the right-to-lifers is, You wanted abortion law to revert to the states. Be satisfied with what you got.

Unsustainable? How the Pandemic Turned our Transit Model on its Head

In response to these post-Covid trends, and also to Sound Transit’s rail expansion, Metro says it will “restructure bus service rather than restore service to pre-pandemic conditions.” It plans “a targeted, income-based approach to fares."

The Worst Choice in American History? Sounds About Right

If Trump lied more egregiously than Biden, and he did, Biden piled up his share of political fibs.

Why I Am Unimpressed by Trump’s Felony Conviction

What should we think about these transactions between consenting adults? Paying a person not to talk is not, in itself, unlawful. I can think of some names for Daniels’ opportunism. But nobody cares what she did.

High Interest Rates? A Little Historical Perspective, Please!

To an older person, today’s “high” rates are what’s normal.

Out of Options: Libertarians in the Age of Trump

The Libertarians’ slogan, painted in big letters on the wall behind Trump, was “Become Ungovernable.” And they were.

Electric Plug-in Vehicle Sales Flourish in Democratic States. Here’s Why

The strong-EV states are all voting Democrat; the weak-EV states all favor Republicans.

Juicing Washington’s EV Sales: The State Tries Giving Money Away

In the new state program EV customers will not have to verify adjusted gross income. To say their income qualifies — “attest” is the state’s word — will be good enough. No clawback when caught lying, by the way.

Spain Reconsidered: The Pact of Forgetting

I asked the guide why the tour showed nothing of Franco. “We don’t like to think about him,” she said. Indeed, after Franco died, and the dictatorship ended, the parties of the left and the right made a deal called the Pacto del Olvido, the Pact of Forgetting.
