Paul Queary

Paul Queary, a veteran AP reporter and editor, is founder of The Washington Observer, an independent newsletter on politics, government and the influence thereof in Washington State.

Dave Reichert for Governor?

Perhaps no politician here is more exposed to the Trump conundrum than Reichert, who will have to wear his voting record during the first two years of that administration in a state where the former president and likely nominee is deeply unpopular.

The Money Primary: Tracking Seattle City Council Races

Some candidates have a lot of money already; others are saving up for later expenditures; still others have deep-pocketed donors to tap in the future.

Legislature Digest: Debora Juarez for Gov? Inslee Polling, and Drug Action

It’s not clear who’s behind this survey. It’s most likely some deep-pocketed player looking for a horse to back that isn’t Attorney General Bob Ferguson, the presumptive front-runner. 

Olympia Report: Housing, Hospital Execs, Climate and Dead Bills

What your state legislature is up to this session.

Razor’s Edge of a Proposed Public Disclosure Law

The Public Records Act is riddled with exemptions and loopholes.

Big Fight: Raising Taxes to Fund Affordable Housing

The money at both the state and the local levels — more than $700 million per year — would be largely earmarked for affordable housing.

Transitioning: Puget Sound Energy asks State to Limit Its Gas Business

Exactly how those costs of a transition away from natural gas get passed on to the ratepayers figures to be the real sticking point.

Olympia Report: Working Families, Warehouses, Ticket-Gouging

The existing working families tax credit has friends on both sides of the aisle.

In Olympia: Awaiting a Momentous Ruling on Taxes

The capital gains tax was the most consequential piece of tax policy passed in Washington in decades, and the Supremes’ ruling could drastically reshape politics by putting other progressive taxes that have long been illegal here back on the table.

Olympia Report: Inslee Tips His Hand; HOAs; Newspaper Relief

Balked at in Congress, newspapers take their case to Olympia, where AG Ferguson is happy to help.
