Paul Queary, a veteran AP reporter and editor, is founder of The Washington Observer, an independent newsletter on politics, government and the influence thereof in Washington State.
This change, formally called a “public investment impact disclosure” was mandated by the Legislature in 2022 to make it more difficult to use the initiative process to repeal laws approved by lawmakers.
Protect Progress, a political action committee backed by cryptocurrency billionaires—some of whom also back Donald Trump—plowed $1.4 million into an independent campaign in support of Democrat Emily Randall.
The 6th is traditionally a safe Democratic Congressional district, so the victor of Franz vs. Randall in the August primary will likely cruise past Republican state Sen. Drew MacEwen in November. Labor votes and labor money could be the deciding factor.
The timing of the poll allows for some last-minute decision-making, and one of the later questions tests a possible off-ramp for Mullet (running for Insurance Commissioner) should the results turn out bleakly.
The campaign against repealing the state’s cap-and-trade system for major emitters of carbon pollution rolled out a splashy new slate of donors, including two of the larger sources of said emissions.