Peter Miller

Peter Miller runs the Peter Miller Design Bookshop, in Pioneer Square, in the alley between First Avenue and Alaska Way. He is there, every day. He has written three books, Lunch at the Shop, Five Ways to Cook, and How to Wash the Dishes. A fourth book, Shopkeeping, A Manual, will be published in Spring 2024, by Princeton Architectural Press.

Early Days: Local Asparagus with Risotto

The asparagus of early spring, 2022.

Russell Wilson No Longer Has to Carry the Whole Damn Team

Russ bailed them out but he got very tired of it.

Pasta in Winter, With a Little Bitterness from Rapini

Serve with extra grated cheese and the rest of the bread crumbs and fresh pepper and a last line of olive oil. The treat of winter bitters.

Gift of Age: Reading With Almost Perfect Clarity

I can read almost perfectly. I can walk into Proust and be more pleased in a moment than had I won a thousand awards. I can hear a pop song, "Midnight Train to Georgia," and tell my son, it must have been wonderful to write the lyrics -- "I would rather live in his world than live without him in mine."

Pizza From The Restaurant Made Better At Home

You live where mushrooms live -- use them, they are a brilliance only a fool should ignore. If the porcini are $50/pound, buy $10 worth, it is a fortune. Same for morels, or chanterelles. Or matsutake. Sauté them on the side, in a small sauté pan, with parsley and garlic and such. Few pizza places will use such mushrooms, for they are expensive, fragile and, for the most part, their brilliance is lost on the audience.

Cooking Fresh At Home: Late Spring Vegetables And Morels With Pasta

It is the fresh broccoli and the spring garlic, on one hand, green and proud. And the muddy, earthy, sweaty morels from the damaged spring wetlands, on the other.

Cooking Smart: A Better Way to Wash Dishes

Wash up continuously, not just after the meal. And use a small bowl.
