Peter Miller

Peter Miller runs the Peter Miller Design Bookshop, in Pioneer Square, in the alley between First Avenue and Alaska Way. He is there, every day. He has written three books, Lunch at the Shop, Five Ways to Cook, and How to Wash the Dishes. A fourth book, Shopkeeping, A Manual, will be published in Spring 2024, by Princeton Architectural Press.

Get the Lead Out: The Rise and Fall of Mechanical Pencils

Each jammed mechanical pencil had its own deconstruction. And some are simply more precise than others.

Nothing Lowly about the Lugubrious Lentil

Lentils are incomparably better the next day. But, to keep that secret, they certainly do not look better.

Plunking Mariners’ Batting Stars

It was terrible to see the Toronto pitcher hit Julio on his first two at bats, a 21-year-old kid. Honestly, I would have told my pitcher to throw and try to hit the Toronto manager, in the dugout.

Every October: Frankfurt, where all the Best Books Are

Europe takes its books and publishers with great seriousness -- in those days, the American publishers looked, in multiple ways, sort of silly. Germany alone had many more publishers than all of the USA.

Wild Mushroom Season: How to Cook Chanterelles

The garlic, parsley and butter are meeting their oldest pal, the wild mushroom, who has been away, in the deepest woods. 

Symphony in Green: The way Beans were meant to be

If you make them well and nimbly, they will sit brilliantly at your own table and disappear, just as fries might.

Indulge: Whipped Cream every Morning (No, Really)

Whipped, it is in truth not much cream. A pint will last easily a week. Whipped cream is the present. A perfect present tense, in the proper place.

It was 50 Years Ago Today: When Watergate Became “Watergate”

And now, of course, we are, 50 years later, riveted by the Stealgate hearings.

Remembering John Aylward. Fondly.

Someone suggested we call John Aylward, who was currently a star actor at the Seattle Repertory Theater. John accepted without pause.

Recipes: Asparagus in the Short Spring

It is wonderful now, but it will not be near as good in the middle of summer. This is its time, spring.
