Peter Miller

Peter Miller runs the Peter Miller Design Bookshop, in Pioneer Square, in the alley between First Avenue and Alaska Way. He is there, every day. He has written three books, Lunch at the Shop, Five Ways to Cook, and How to Wash the Dishes. A fourth book, Shopkeeping, A Manual, will be published in Spring 2024, by Princeton Architectural Press.

Danish Modern: The Museum they call the Most Beautiful in the World

The Louisiana Art Museum is, of course, confusing to Americans; they do not easily turn their mind to the notion that the museum is in Humlebæk.

Dishing Out Food in Pioneer Square on A Sweet Snow Day

I made extra rice and chopped everything I had. The lunch at Das Gasthaus was quite wonderful and festive and went on past 2 -- a lovely, deep snow.

Peter Miller’s Guide to Best Local Stores and Eats

Just because. One of the pleasures of life's daily peregrinations is the happy discoveries along the way, the little finds that cumulatively add up to a well lived life.

Solstice-Silliness: Time for Some Word-Play

Feeling raptorous? Time to apply for witless protection.

A Tasty, One-Pot Italian Meal, Pronto

Stir and stir, then add some parmesan, cracked pepper, salt, olive oil, and basil and the rest of your dinner is ready. Lucky you all. Late and still ready and happy.

Impromptu Dinner: Risotto with the Asparagus of Spring

I would not have made the asparagus recipe without the advantage of extra time. And I would not have thought of the plum sauce without the quiet.

Out for a Stroll: Lovely Lentils and Their Best Friends

Lay them beneath a piece of sautéed fish, or chicken, as a bed. Plate them with a roasted beet, peeled and sliced, some Greek yogurt and some marinated red onions. Or a roasted leek. They love each other's company.

Memo to Joe Biden: You Are Losing Young Voters

The Democratic Party must declare that it is an Anti-War Party. Put some youth into this party, perilous as the days and events may seem. In a way, you have been cornered into a dullness and a reactive shape. Push back!

Lessons from Africa: Stay in the Light

In Africa, it is some relief to realize that your instincts are stunningly narrow, dulled, blunted, out of touch and barely even yours.

Why Mayor Paul Schell Canceled 1999’s New Year’s Eve Space Needle Party

A week before New Year's Eve,  FBI Director Louis Freeh called Mayor Schell, telling him they would have to cancel the Space Needle events for New Year's Eve. Schell could not explain the reason, and so took the fall.
