Mike Merritt

Mike Merritt is a former writer and editor for local newspapers. He recently retired as senior executive policy advisor for the Port of Seattle.

We Desperately Need a New Airport: New Effort Seems Stymied from the Start

They don’t have a deliverable, they don’t have a specific mandate, they don’t have the authority to make any decisions,’’ lamented  Warren Hendrickson, Olympia Airport senior manager and a long-time aviation professional, at a recent Port of Seattle commission briefing.  

Maritime Wars: Coast Guard and Port Battle over Terminal 46

The ports say they are protecting valuable cargo-handling land and longshore union jobs by stiffing the Coast Guard.  But the action could also mean Seattle will lose several new patrol ships to Oregon or Alaska.

All Study and No Action: Planning for a New Airport Goes Back to the Drawing Board

Sen. Karen Keiser called the new work group “doomed,’’ and said it will only prolong the years of state and regional inaction in developing new aviation facilities. “Mostly, we’ve held on to a firm state of denial,” she said.

We Urgently Need a New Airport. Planning Seems to have Stalled

Choosing a site alone is only one piece of the total airport-construction puzzle. Who would choose a site and green light such a mammoth project, and all the mitigation that it entails? 
