Mark Hinshaw

Mark Hinshaw is a retired architect and city planner who lived in Seattle for more than 40 years. For 12 years he had a regular column on architecture for The Seattle Times and later was a frequent contributor to Crosscut. He now lives in a small hill town in Italy.

Report From The Front: Life In Italy During The Coronavirus [UPDATED 3.3.20]

As I check in with various friends and colleagues in different parts of Italy, it seems most are being cautious and careful, but there is little real hysteria. But online is going crazy.

Italian Towns Reclaim Their Beachfronts For The Public – Here’s How

The key to opening up these Italian beaches to all walks of life is to tie together the promenade, bikeways, benches, existing open spaces, and broader piazzas for concerts and street markets.

Italy: A Culture of Civic Contribution

A major “pillar” of the Italian constitution obligates people to contribute to their communities. I had never seen such a noble public objective before.
