Mark Hinshaw

Mark Hinshaw is a retired architect and city planner who lived in Seattle for more than 40 years. For 12 years he had a regular column on architecture for The Seattle Times and later was a frequent contributor to Crosscut. He now lives in a small hill town in Italy.

Venice is Back in Business. Sort of

Along with this diaspora of ordinary working families went most of the local shops and cafes. Long gone are the little shops carrying clothing and jewelry made in an adjacent room. Also gone are the small, quirky galleries selling authentic works of hand-blown Murano glass. They have been replaced by shops carrying mass-produced tchotchkes for tourists who want souvenirs to cram into their carry-on bags. 

Cats as Traffic-Calming Devices

No one wants to be blamed for harming a cat aleeping in the lane. Drivers really pay attention and watch the road. After four years, I know now all the cats by sight. I have not noticed any missing

The Perils of Being an Electric Car Pioneer

A German company that supplies charging posts recently conducted a survey of car buyers and found that at least 30 percent were very skeptical of electric cars. The greatest fear was being stuck somewhere with a car that cannot move.

Lessons From Amsterdam: Reclaiming Your City

If an objective is to tip the scales in favor of local interests and away from international ones, then some control on the type and location of outside investment is going to be necessary. Limiting the location and number of airbnbs owned by a single person or company is one method.

So You Want to Visit Italy (Or Better Yet, Move There). Here’s How

First, let’s clear up a couple of common misconceptions. Anyone can buy property in Italy; one does not need to be a citizen or even a legal resident. However, without a specific visa, one is limited to staying a maximum of 90 days in a 180 period.

Eataly — When Even Italy is trying to Fake Italy

Already Eataly has outlets in 37 major cities around the world, and the American invasion (New York, Chicago, Boston, Vegas, Dallas, Hollywood) is under way, providing merchandise, food, takeout, delivery, classes, and spectacle. Among the various ideas floated for the empty ground floor of Seattle's downtown Macy's: an Eataly.

Repairing Italy: A Glorious Football Win

Throughout the countryside in the valleys below our house, we could hear cars honking for hours and watch an inky sky lit up with random fireworks. It was also a celebration of being released from 18 months of confinement. With the removal of restrictions, finally we could enjoy this moment of collective spirit to the fullest.

But Wait! There’s More!: Adventures in Buying an Electric Car in Italy

The savings from not buying gas, not maintaining an internal combustion car, not paying the normal taxes, no ZTL fines, no speeding tickets, and not needing to rent cars for long road trips means buying an electric car virtually pays for itself. Not quite, but close. Close enough for it to make a lot of sense.

Italy: Rethinking Tourism before the Hordes Return?

Italy is returning to normal, which is a relief. But now the country, as many places, has to figure out how not to return to the normal of harmful, soulless tourism.

In the Absence of Packaging… A social life emerges

Sometimes it’s the thinnest of membranes that separate us from each other. This came to mind when I was contemplating our dramatic change of shopping habits over the last...
