Joel Connelly

I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Seattle’s Antisemitic Roots

Seattle lawyer Bridget Schuster says “there is a difference” between condemning Israel’s actions “and saying it should not exist at all.” Of late, she adds, “I feel called out and I feel my working relationships have changed.”

A Contrast in Styles: Obama and Biden

Joe Biden is an old fashioned glad-handing guy. Barack Obama was regal and somewhat aloof. Obama was from the people and for the people, but not OF the people.

The Broken (and Shrinking Fast) House GOP

These moves could have a big impact on the Washington state delegation, several of whom would assume committee chairs if Democrats flip the House. .

The National Park Service is Abandoning a North Cascades Jewel

The park’s superintendent announced recently that there will be no staffing of rangers this summer at Stehekin, at the head of Lake Chelan, and that the Golden West Visitor Center will not open.

Washington Primary: Biden and Trump (Predictably) Prevail

The results confirm a longstanding Washington tradition, summed up by a venerable slogan: The empty drum bangs loudest.

McConnell’s Lame Legacy

Despite the ridicule he’s received — and the fact that he privately detests Trump — McConnell has stayed with the 45th president. He has not only endorsed Trump’s comeback bid, but can be described as Trump’s enabler.

The Case for Biden

With the country under threat, can we afford excesses and alienation on the left?

Montana Madness and a Key U.S. Senate Race for Jon Tester

The Republicans are gunning for Tester, having cleared the field for a multi millionaire ex-Navy SEAL named Tim Sheehan to take out incumbent Tester. Trump has endorsed Sheehan.

How Washington State Republicans Drove Their Party into a Ditch

The Republican Party in Washington state has been decimated during Trump’s reign atop the party.

New Poll: Ferguson Sprints to the Lead in Governor’s Race

AG “Ferguson started at 21 percent last March, improved to 25 percent in June of 2023, then to 31 percent in November of 2023, and now at 35 percent,” said Andrew Villeneuve, who heads Northwest Progressive Institute.
