Joel Connelly

I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Bully Begone! Our History Of Political Demagogues and how they Fade Away

The American tradition is that former presidents, and presidential contenders, go to ground after their successor takes office. Barack Obama was photographed on a yacht in Tahiti. But don't expect that from Trump for a New York minute.

Election Lessons from The NW: Left Versus Left-Left

With Democrats increasingly dominant in the state, conflicts within the governing party are likely to be fought out on the primary and general elections.

Dept. of Dark Arts: Predicting Northwesterners who will get Jobs in a Biden Administration

An age-old axiom: Anybody who knows anything will divulge nothing, while those who know nothing are willing to say anything. Nonetheless, I persevere.

A New Book Recalls How Rep. Julia Butler Hanson Powered Her Way Through Congress

Federal dollars for colleagues’ projects would vanish if they forgot Julia Butler Hansen’s birthday. She was around for a very long time. That was an era when the yardstick was whether the girls were as tough as the boys.

A BC Snap Election Gives Government a Reinforced Majority

The pandemic has been well managed, textbook-style. Even so, the pandemic has hit hard, notably cratering the province’s tourism industry from cruise ships to wine tourism in the south Okanagan.

Three WA Congressional Races that Explain Current Washington Politics

The “Berniecrat” wing of the Democratic Party misfired this year with scattershot challengers to Reps. Kilmer and Rick Larsen, candidates who cheered on the Capitol Hill occupied zone in Seattle. Rep. Adam Smith, in the 9th District, blew away left opponents in 2016 and 2018. Running in the 10th, Beth Doglio is the most credible hope of the “blue-green” left of labor and environmental activists.

From Dan Evans to Loren Culp: How the GOP got Shut Out in Washington State

Why can’t the Republican Party do better than Loren Culp?. The Mainstream Republicans put on a wonderful shindig for Dan Evans. But the party’s base is, in an Inslee-coined word, “Trumpian.”

Stirring The Imagination: The Majestic Great Gray and Snowy Owls

Baby owls are fluffy, wide-eyes and irresistibly cute, as Bannick records in his nesting pictures. A very different picture is provided when the great birds are plunging downward and dismembering prey.

Alaska’s Magnificent Tongass National Forest Threatened by new “Chainsaw Rule”

With publication of an Environmental Impact Statement late last month, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has set in motion removal of 9.37 million acres from a ban on construction of new logging roads, enacted in 2001 during the waning days of the Clinton Administration.

The Environmental Stakes for a New Supreme Court

Justice Ginsburg won legal fame, and icon status as the “Notorious RBG,” for her advocacy of women’s rights and equality before the law. What’s less known, is that the Brooklyn-born Ginsburg was most sympathetic and took a more expansive view of environmental justice than any other member of The Brethren.
