Joel Connelly

I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

The Impatient Patient: An Operating Manual

Our intrepid correspondent puts his body on the line to bring readers the scoop from inside the Big House.

Is British Columbia about to Veer Hard Right?

The result of this surprise is to unite the right against the governing New Democratic Party (NDP), which has been in power since 2017 and seemed solidly entrenched with two parties splitting the conservative vote.

Nine Tectonic Shifts in Washington State Politics

The major shift: Suburban and exurban districts, once centers of Republican strength, are now consistently sending Democrats to the Legislature.

Harris Accepts Nomination in Front of a Reinvigorated Democratic Party

"With this election, our nation has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past," said Harris. Seizing on that opportunity will be "the defining goal of my presidency."

Minnesota Magic? Tim Walz Introduces Himself to America

With the vice-presidential nomination of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, the party hopes for a safe landing in what White House aspirants have long labeled "fly over territory."

Democrats in Chicago: Obamas Bring the Star Power

Obama and other speakers underscored the unity message first spoken 20 years ago: "America is ready for a new chapter. America is ready for a better story."

Joe Biden’s Emotional Farewell

A bit of the drama of Biden’s withdrawal came through in his speech. “I love the job but I love my country more,” he said, underlying the task of preventing a second Trump term.

No Denying: Climate Change is the No. 1 Issue

With evidence of retreating glaciers all around us, will voters heed the signals? The West Coast has a leadership role to play.

The New Republicanism: “Illiberal” Democracy

These people are serious. They have taken the Republican Party on a 180-degree turn from the familiar small-government conservatism.

Five Takeaways from This Week’s Washington State Primary

State Sen. Emily Randall, D-Bremerton, pulled off the upset of the night in Washington's open 6th Congressional District, besting Hilary Franz.
