Joel Connelly

I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Smoke Signals: Climate Change and Canadian Forest Fires

What we’re witnessing, on all continents, is no joke. Smoke is getting into our eyes, but should also be on our minds.  

How Bellingham Went from a City to Flee to a City to See

“Bellywash,” my mother’s nickname for the town, has begun to pop up on lists of America’s best places to live, learn, work, and retire.

Early Poll In Washington State’s Governor’s Race: Ferguson Leads

A poll is a snapshot in time, and voters have until August of next year to sample the candidates and make up their minds. The Northwest states of Washington and Oregon have the longest Democratic party winning streaks in America. This state has not elected a Republican governor since John Spellman’s 1980 win.

Remembering Congressman Don Bonker: Just Look Around

Bonker successfully pushed to add Point of Arches and Shi Shi Beach, crowning glory spots of the Pacific Coast, to Olympic National Park. It wasn’t easy.

How Justice Alito Became Environment Czar

By imposing his own definition of the federal Clean Water Act, enacted 51 years ago under the Nixon Administration, Alito has followed a rule defined by onetime Jersey City political boss Frank Hague: “I am the law.”

Alberta on Fire: Literally and Politically

Beneath the so-called Omega Block – high pressure that is causing heat and generating fires -- Alberta is also feeling the heat of a consequential provincial election campaign.

“The Political Fight of our Lives?” Sen. Cantwell Sounds Alarm for Re-election

Cantwell's initial mailings come down hard on a single theme: MAGA Republicans are likely to come after me. Maybe not, given her commanding lead in a blue state.

All Aboard: Odd Coalition in Congress Comes Together to Address Rail Safety

Sen Cantwell has long proposed stiffer regulations for trains carrying hazardous materials. Her sunshine environmentalists now include Trump and Sen. Vance.

High Atop the World: Remembering Climber Tom Hornbein

Hornbein was renowned as a climber, a medical researcher, and a friend. In words of physicist and fellow climber Bill Sumner, he had a knack for “being there for life decisions.

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Dianne Feinstein and the Art of Knowing When to Quit

It's tough to hang it up, says this 75-year-old scribe. In politics, you go from being at the center of action to relative obscurity with time on your hands.
