Joel Connelly

I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.

Attack of the Gas Price Billboards

The billboards, directed at U.S. Reps. Kim Schrier and Marie Gluesenkamp-Perez, D-Wash., are an exhibit of the NRCC’s cookie-cutter approach to politics. They use the same words, and make the same allegations, regardless of a House member’s record or what place in America he or she represents.

British Columbia’s New Normal: Battered by Wildfires and Floods

“The new normal” in Beautiful British Columbia now means fires consuming forests, vast beetle kills, evacuations, and smoke which pays no respect to the 49th Parallel. Hundred-year fires are being fought in one night.

The Veep Comes to Town

With the 2024 election approaching, Harris has been set loose. Washington is a good place to display the message and messenger. 

Pedal to the Metal: GOP Elects Culture Warrior as State Chairman

While losing elections, the state party has moved relentlessly to the right, even as Democrats have locked in control of the levers of government.

Go West : Biden and the Democrats Pan for Gold

With the once-“Solid South” now solidly Republican, picking up support in Western states has become essential for Democrats to win the White House, and to hold (barely) the Senate, and to fill campaign coffers.

Sen. Murkowski Doubles Down on Trump

Since the Senate vote, wrote Murkowski, evidence gathered by the House January 6 committee and other sources “only re-enforced that the former President played a key role in instigating the riots resulting in physical violence and desecration of the U.S. Capitol.”

Notes from Tuesday’s Primary Election: Democratic Surge in Spokane and Whatcom

Lisa Brown has struck a chord with the argument that Spokane is a city of unfulfilled promise, a city “stuck in neutral” while other Northwest cities have boomed in today’s technology-driven economy.

Don’t Count Him Out: How Ron DeSantis Could Turn it Around

Long downward trajectories are part of our now-endless campaign season. So are comebacks, for a candidate who seizes the moment, picks the proper battlefield, takes risks and deploys resources.

A Last-Gasp Effort to Resurrect a Mine in Bristol Bay

The state of Alaska has taken its case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court in an 11th hour effort to resurrect a giant, open pit copper and gold mine, proposed for a location in western Alaska that flanks two of Bristol Bay’s renowned salmon spawning watersheds.

GOP Culture Warriors’ Next Target: Young Voters and Colleges

The Democrats have given us America’s oldest president, but they are far more in sync with younger voters.
