Jean Godden

Jean Godden wrote columns first for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and late for the Seattle Times. In 2002, she quit to run for City Council where she served for 12 years. Since then she published a book of city stories titled “Citizen Jean.” She is now co-host of The Bridge aired on community station KMGP at 101.1 FM. You can email tips and comments to Jean at

My Love Affair With RBG

Justice Ginsburg never failed to credit her mother, saying, "She made reading a delight and counseled me constantly to be independent and fend for myself." Ruth often repeated her mother's advice that getting angry was a waste of your own time. When her mom was bedridden, soon to die of ovarian cancer, "Kiki" (Ruth's childhood nickname) did her homework on her mom's bed.

Bob Woodward’s New Book: All The President’s Deceits

Jared Kushner said the key to understanding Trump is the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland who famously said, "If you don't know where you're going, any path will take you there." Kushner describes his father-in-law variously as "crazy, unpredictable, stubborn and manipulative."

The Tricky Business of Using Unnamed Sources

While it is true that use of unnamed sources can be problematic, there sometimes is a need to resort to them when that is the only way to unlock a big story. However, it should be done with care.

Time To Revisit The Way We Elect Seattle City Councilmembers?

The reform was supposed to reduce the cost of campaigns. Fat chance. In the 2015 elections, total spending on the seven seats was $785,000. By 2019, expenditures ballooned to $4.2 million. The big difference was partly due to public funds, but mostly due to independent expenditures that were not capped in any way. Political action committees could spend heavily -- and spend they did.

Revenge of the “Nasty” Women: We Vote!

But if 2018 was the Year of the Woman, there are signs that 2020 could be an even bigger year for women and for diversity. Some 243 women -- 169 Democrats and 74 Republicans -- have won primaries and are competing for congressional seats this fall.

Mindy Cameron’s New Book: Struggles in a Newsroom

As a newsie myself, I appreciated her early struggles at the Times where she worked in a male-dominated atmosphere and answered to at least one unsympathetic editor.

Big Scoop on Our Sweet Tooth +Other Scoops

The history of Frangos may explain our odd taste in ice cream. Speaking of history, did Lewis and Clark, er, borrow some lines?

Get Kraken: Let the Puns Begin (and other News)

Once fans tire of the puns generated by the Kraken name -- lame stuff like Krakhouse and Krakheads -- they'll get around to more substantive matters like welcoming a team mascot...

Books: The Trump Family Pathology

Mary Trump believes her uncle suffered from an undiagnosed learning disability that made it difficult for him to read and absorb facts. Donald relied on his sister Marianne to do his homework and hired Joe Shapiro, a smart kid with a reputation for being good at tests, to take his SATs.

Who Is That Masked Woman? Plus: Comets And Jokey Names

Masks, however problematic, are a symbol of caring for others, trying to protect one another against transmission of a nasty virus. That said, I can't help wishing that I had better constructed ears.
