Eric Scigliano

Eric Scigliano has written on varied environmental, cultural and political subjects for many local and national publications. His books include Puget Sound: Sea Between the Mountains, Love War and Circuses (Seeing the Elephant), Michelangelo’s Mountain, Flotsametrics and the Floating World (with Curtis Ebbesmeyer), The Wild Edge, and, newly published, The Big Thaw: Ancient Carbon and a Race to Save the Planet.

Field notes in a time of corona: Virus, Eats and Weed

The coronavirus crisis has stomped the restaurant and bar trade like a health inspector’s red tag.

Tracking viral loads: why COVID-19 spreads so fast

What does this suggest? That response must be rapid and cast a wide net. Any hope of containment means isolating and, if possible, testing those showing mild symptoms immediately.

Sound Transit’s Typhoid Marty?

“It all depends on the individual inspector. This is how I do it. A card might be stolen. I need to make sure there isn’t a woman’s name on it.”

Transit vs. COVID-19: Bus cleaning can’t keep up. How about onboard sanitizer?

Metro, which manages the downtown light-rail tunnel as well as King County buses, only gives its buses a "deep cleaning" every 30 days.

Economy and Ecology: Sibling Rivals For Our Planetary Predicament

All too often, natural scientists and economists seem to be talking past each other. The scientists propound values—biodiversity, ecosystem integrity, the elusive but essential quality of “wildness”—that are not readily measurable in financial terms, hence not considered by traditional economists.

Impeaching Trump: Is That All There Is?

Is it wise to put the whole case in this one Ukraine basket? This scandal seems to have moved that meter only marginally. Trump's earlier potential crimes and misdemeanors, if less serious, may be easier to understand.

Big Thaw At The Top of The Earth, Big Peril to Earth’s Climate

The Polaris Project is an innovative research and educational venture dedicated to twin ambitious goals: to determine what will happen to the vast trove of carbon frozen in Arctic soils as the planet warms (and how that will in turn affect the climate), and to recruit, inspire, and train the next generation of Arctic scientists.

No Harm No Foul? Sorry, Damage Has Already Been Done

It's eerie how Team Trump's main defense -- hey, the aid was finally delivered to Ukraine and no Biden investigation happened so no harm, no foul -- reprises Tim...

What Would Uncle George Do? My Heroic Great-Uncle And His Message For Today

Trim the flowery language and substitute “Mexican” and “Central American” for “Italian” and “Portuguese,” and George Scigliano could be speaking to our own overheated times. In his day, Italy was the largest source of immigrants to this country, and Italian immigrant labor was nearly as important to the economy’s functioning as Mexican immigrant labor is today.
