Eric Scigliano

Eric Scigliano has written on varied environmental, cultural and political subjects for many local and national publications. His books include Puget Sound: Sea Between the Mountains, Love War and Circuses (Seeing the Elephant), Michelangelo’s Mountain, Flotsametrics and the Floating World (with Curtis Ebbesmeyer), The Wild Edge, and, newly published, The Big Thaw: Ancient Carbon and a Race to Save the Planet.

New Hope for West Seattle’s Garden of Outsider Art

The original rock garden is a gem of local heritage and outsider art and an intricate, sprawling fantasia of arches, walls, and stairstep pathways in agate, quartz, river rock, colored glass, and untold other minerals.

The Fraser River: Toting up the Collateral Damage

The gravel reach has earned a near-universal “Heart of the Fraser” appellation. But it’s a heart with advancing coronary disease.

Salmon Restoration: Look to the Small Creeks and Sloughs

It’s there, rather than in the deep, headlong main channels of rivers like the Fraser, that salmon and other fishes spawn, and there that young fish shelter, feed, and grow.

The End of Northwest Salmon Farming?

“For those die-hard fighters that still think salmon farming can be stopped, the battle was lost years ago,” Editor Drew Cherry concluded. “Salmon farming is too big to fail.”

The River that Swallowed the Sumas Prairie

When the flood waters receded, they left five people dead, plus 420 cattle, 12,000 hogs and 630,000 chickens: this section of the Fraser Valley is British Columbia’s richest agricultural region, producing most of its eggs, dairy, blueberries and other crops.

Exploring North America’s Greatest Salmon River

There are many ways to kill a river, but still the Mighty One endures and, against so many obstacles, its fish keep returning.

The Case for White Roofs

If business, government, and consumers can’t get serious about this small piece of the climate crisis, how are we ever going to deal with the whole looming catastrophe?

The Aluminum Smelter in Search of a Power Source

Jobs plus industrial revival plus national security plus carbon-free industry — small wonder Washington’s entire congressional delegation, Ds and Rs together, signed a letter endorsing the project. 

Coming to Terms with Vaccination

One problem is that the term “fully vaccinated,” perpetuates the initial presumption that two Moderna or Pfizer doses are all that will ever be needed. Not so.

Why is the Biden Administration Slow-Walking Military Aid to Ukraine?

Might all the whingeing and slow walking of support be a matter of policy, not pusillanimity or red tape?
