Dick Lilly

Dick Lilly is a former Seattle Times reporter who covered local government from the neighborhoods to City Hall and Seattle Public Schools. He later served as a public information officer and planner for Seattle Public Utilities, with a stint in the mayorā€™s office as press secretary for Mayor Paul Schell. He has written on politics for Crosscut.com and the Seattle Times as well as Post Alley.

After Day One: Failure To Move The Needle

While everybody here is pretty much on the mark for the way they and people in the liberal bubble saw and reacted to the marvelous calm decency in...

A Better (And Fairer) Way To Fund Medicare For All.

What employers now pay for their workersā€™ health insurance should be paid NOT to the government but to the workers as a raise ā€“ both the portion already taken out of employee paychecks and the companyā€™s share.

District 3: Sawant is Key to the City Councilā€™s Future

Letā€™s suppose Sandeep Kaushikā€™s analysis is pretty close to predictive. Itā€™s not cause for optimism among those whoā€™d like to see the city council move even a little bit toward the center.

Political centrism: Smug, weak and misguided

The political center isn't always where you want to end up. Pundits filling print or online op-ed pages or pontificating on cable news think theyā€™re pretty smart because, unlike elected officials, they have the wisdom to see and urge on us the middle way: compromise and all our problems are solved. Until 1980 or so, that was a workable way to look at governing.
