Dick Lilly

Dick Lilly is a former Seattle Times reporter who covered local government from the neighborhoods to City Hall and Seattle Public Schools. He later served as a public information officer and planner for Seattle Public Utilities, with a stint in the mayorā€™s office as press secretary for Mayor Paul Schell. He has written on politics for Crosscut.com and the Seattle Times as well as Post Alley.

Chapters 27 & 28: Snake, and San Diego

ā€œLotsa people know this guy. Sorta,ā€ said Danny. ā€œTheyā€™ve heard of him because heā€™s some kind of dealer, or they remember talking to him in a bar. They remember the snake tattoo. No one I talked to remembers a name. Some of them called him The Snake or Snake like that was his name. Seems to be what he goes by.ā€

Chapters 24, 25 & 26: Ebey Island, Ivar’s, and Nora Hamilton

Falconer followed Bobby Harmsā€™ directions and took the ramp off U.S. 2 onto Ebey Island. Barely a mile east of I-5 and not twice that from downtown Everett, a left turn under the causeway and he was on a two-lane leading back in time to a place the suburbs passed by. Weedy horse pastures, mostly empty, sometimes home to a few sheep, and abandoned orchards were scattered on either side of the road. Gravel drives led back to small houses cloaked by the trees, thick moss on the roofs. The area hid from prosperity. ā€œNo Trespassingā€ signs on the fences advertised the localsā€™ views. These were independent people who could of necessity make do with an old farmhouse or moss-stained trailer on an island in the Snohomish River delta. The inevitable floods turned away the reasonable.

Chapters 22 & 23: Luna Park, and Sally

Both held pints of Mannyā€™s and drank in silence. On Luna Parkā€™s rainbow-lit Wurlitzer Falconer had Janis Joplinā€™s ā€œBobby McGeeā€ playing for the second time.

Chapters 20 &21: CafƩ Campagna, and Viewpoint

ā€œHe wasnā€™t there. Hadnā€™t shown up and that surprised them all. I sat next to a woman, Rosalyn something or other, from his office, receptionist-administrative assistant, majordomo, sounds like. Going to these fundraisers and rubbing shoulders with political types at the bossā€™s expense seems to be a perk of the job at Carl Barclay Associates. Rosalyn said sheā€™d talked to him before lunch and he was planning to be there.ā€

Chapters 18 & 19: Assaggio, and Westin Hotel

Falconer pulled out a chair and sat down opposite Carl Barclay who was eating lunch by himself. ā€œMind if I join you? I thought we could talk about a few things. You maybe could help me out.ā€

Chapters 16 & 17: Frat Boys, and Justice Center

Topping, tall and tanned with a full head of sun-blonde hair, wearing white slacks and a steel gray raw silk blazer looked every inch the Hollywood mogul drug money allowed him to be. Mundy gone, Topping took the chair across from Wallingford, shaking his head in exasperation with Victor. One-time college roommates, they had a long history, reaching from fraternity hijinks through shady property deals hidden in the complexity of Wallingford Evergreenā€™s operations to, now, after Toppingā€™s business pulled him into deals with a couple of otherwise legitimate looking guys with one foot in the L.A. drug world, expansion into big-time crime. It always worked out the same: Topping with the scheme, Victor with the capital and an insatiable drive for more.

Chapters 13,14 & 15: Blogging, Bourbon & Brel, and Old Wood

Falconer had Kimā€™s Wrangler. His A4 was in the shop. The Jeep had vinyl sides. Enough to keep out the rain earlier, but noisy and none of her CDs appealed. Somehow Pearl Jam and Nirvana had passed him by. Dave Mathews? Not right now. He drove home on the two-level viaduct that walled the city away from the bay, always a love-hate experience: great views of the container docks and mountains, the office buildings reflecting the summerā€™s late-setting sun, but why from a speeding car? The 50-year-old dirty concrete viaduct between downtown and the cityā€™s historic piers sent waves of noise crashing onto the streets below. Tourists walking among the fish and chips shops had to raise their voices to tell each other how quaint it all was.

Chapters 11 & 12: 340 West Harrison and Harms’ Deck

Carlā€™s office in the Tower Building at Seventh and Olive was just two blocks from Nordstrom. In less than five minutes he pushed through the aluminum-framed glass doors and rode the elevator alone to the 17th floor. ā€œIā€™m here but no calls.ā€ Taking a handful of pink message slips and wanting no questions, Carl conjured a business-like urgency to get past Rosalyn, his receptionist.

Chapters 8,9 & 10: WAC, Sixth Avenue, and the Nordstrom Grill

Carl Barclay and Victor Wallingford met for lunch in a private dining room on the 15th floor of the Washington Athletic Club where Victor was immediate past president. The room was trimmed in dark wood. Above he wainscoting there were paintings of bird-hunting scenes.

Chapters 6 & 7: Starlight Hotel and CaffƩ Umbria

Falconer, barefooted but wearing jeans and a light blue button down shirt, Oxford cloth, sleeves rolled up, picked up the local news sections of both Seattle dailies and his coffee cup and walked across the roof deck to the other penthouse that was the office for Falconerblog.com. Perched on the edge of the building overlooking Ballard Avenue, the space had windows almost all the way around. Blonde bamboo floors and varnished fir trim salvaged from an old school before it was demolished gave the office ā€“ despite the clutter of computers and newspapers ā€“ a warm feel even on cloudy days.
