David Brewster

David Brewster, a founding member of Post Alley, has a long career in publishing, having founded Seattle Weekly, Sasquatch Books, and Crosscut.com. His civic ventures have been Town Hall Seattle and FolioSeattle.

Did Putin Stage-Manage the Failed Coup?

Nothing like a failed coup to provide cover for a dictator to crack down on enemies.

Fixing Seattle’s Downtown: First, Do No Harm

At the head of the list of desirable new directions is a new theme for downtown as a series of distinct residential neighborhoods.

The Buzzsaw Comes out at Crosscut

It may be that Crosscut, which can seem reliably "woke," is seeking to adjust its editorial formula for solid journalistic reasons. 

Seattle: “Superstar City” No More?

Among the setbacks: The defeat of the Commons levies turned out to be a last hurrah for the Seattle Establishment (architects, parks advocates, housing activists), and it greatly discouraged the progressive forces and money.

Seattle’s Arts Crunch, and Some Suggested Remedies

Ideas for reviving local arts: a Summer Festival to raise the standards, and the revival of PONCHO.

Careful What you Wish For? On the Verge of Winning a New Tax for the Arts, the Strings Get Attached

The arts in our region definitely need new funding, but this new source is likely to have lots of strings attached, and the funds would be spread widely to smaller groups as well as heritage organizations.

Six New-Old Ways to Build Affordable Sociable Housing

When it comes to the affordable housing crisis, maybe the way forward is the way back.

Rekindling My Bumpy Love Affair with KING FM

KING FM seems to have found its footing, after decades of floundering. It has emerged from soothing background music to active listening.

Downtown Exodus and Opportunity: Seattle’s Mainline Churches

One popular pattern is to sell to a commercial developer part of the church property and use the money to refurbish the main sanctuary or to build a new church elsewhere.

What Ails Seattle? Chronic Indecision

The result of this hedging is a risk-averse city, since you don't know which way the wind is blowing, where to invest, and which "leader" to follow or fight.
