Dan Chasan

A Law Against Fake News? Not So Fast.

The court's logic was simple: If the government is going to forbid or penalize false statements, it has to establish what's true. Do we want government deciding what political statements are true and false?

To Save the Orcas, We Need to Stop Eating Their Lunch

If we stopped catching wild fish in the ocean and kept hatchery salmon off their spawning grounds in the rivers, we might wind up pretty quickly with as many fish as we have now.

Old Bones And Natural Wonders: Inside The New Burke Museum

The new Burke Museum opens up virtually all its work spaces to public view. A curator says that at first, some staff members were skeptical, but by now, everyone seems all in.

Does Warren’s Plan for Native Americans Add Up?

Maybe the tribes could be part of her broader approach to the problems of rural America.

At Last, A Solution For Hanford’s Nuclear Waste: Reclassify It?

No one really expects Congress to appropriate two-thirds of a trillion dollars for Hanford cleanup, not even spread over 75 years. Set the barrier high enough, and of course the government has to come up with Plan B. Cue the effort to reclassify waste.
