Dan Chasan

First Up in the Supreme Court Crosshairs: The Clean Water Act

Will the tendency of the conservative majority to make a decision much broader than the case requires show itself here?

Trump Scoreboard: Toting Up the Legal Jeopardy

Has he committed crimes?  Probably.  Will he be indicted for them?  Possibly.  Will we see him in prison?  Don’t hold your breath.

WA Supreme Court: State Not Required to Cut Forests to Maximize Revenue

On July 21, the state supreme court said unanimously that the state does indeed have a duty to the schools and other beneficiaries, BUT it also has a duty to “all the people.”

Judge: Sustainable Salmon Harvest isn’t Sustainable

Threatened Chinook salmon from the Snake River, Puget Sound, the upper Willamette River, and the lower Columbia all swim north along the coast to Southeast Alaska, where they are caught by Alaskan trollers.

Reform the Supreme Court? Heh! A Classic Catch-22

What are the chances of getting enough votes for any sensible reform?  And if Congress now or after the mid-terms actually coalesced around changing the Court, should we be encouraged or scared?

Glimmers: Some Hope for a Solution for Northwest Dams?

People who have been working for years to get rid of those dams see this as a unique – but narrow – window. 

The Stones and Me: Close Encounters with Erratics

I like the idea of them as leftovers from the last ice age.  And I like coming upon the objects in places where I don’t expect to find them,

Duwamish Tribe Sues for Recognition

At its core, this is a conflict over not only material benefits or retroactive justice (which may be an oxymoron) but also over history. 

How the Supreme Court Lost the People’s Confidence

"If people do lose – or have already lost – confidence in the Supreme Court, the new majority has no one to blame but itself."

Why the Challenge to Seattle’s Payroll Tax will Fail (and Should Fail)

To say the appellate judges seemed skeptical about the Chamber’s legal challenge would be an understatement.
