Dan Chasan

Criminalizing Homelessness: Grants Pass at the Supreme Court

If the Supreme Court majority wants practical grounds to rule in favor of Grants Pass regulations, it won’t have to look far.

The Supreme Court Ruling on Colorado Makes No Sense

Some of us found the outcome disappointing. Retired 4th Circuit appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig said on CNN that the decision was “stunning in its overreach.”

Does Land-Based Salmon Farming Make Sense for the Northwest?

Recent developments raise the question of whether or not shore-based aquaculture is a good idea.  Or whether or not anyone can raise salmon in tanks at a competitive price.

Is Colorado Right? Should Trump Be Banned from the Ballot?

Does anyone sincerely believe that the drafters – and ratifiers – of the amendment, acting only a few years after the Civil War, meant to bar Confederate traitors from becoming, say, postmaster in Little Rock or a state senator in Tuscaloosa, but were happy to have him serve as President?  That’s not remotely plausible.

2023 in Verse, Though of Course it Could be Worse

Let's raise a toast to companions of four legs and two/ whose presence will enrich us through/ this closer-than-it-may-appear/ and soon, let’s hope, more peaceful year.

Hunter Biden Puts Gun Rights in the Supreme Court’s Sights

Of course, under Supreme Court decisions of the past 15 years, virtually every American has a Constitutional right to own a gun.  The hard and consequential legal question is whether or not – current federal law be damned – drug users have that right, too.

Does the 14th Amendment Disqualify Trump? Maybe

Trump has set up a situation in which no one who opposes him can win a victory that his supporters consider legitimate.  He has said before both his Presidential races that he could lose only if the election was rigged. (Heads I win, tails you cheated.)

The Lethal Details Left out of “Oppenheimer”

If we’re going to revisit the world-changing early decades of nuclear weapons, people should recognize the historic importance of eastern Washington’s Hanford nuclear site, and that our government exposed thousands of its own citizens to radiation from airborne waste and the fallout from nuclear tests.

Suicide Pact? Using the Constitution to Protect Abusers

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul warned that “the Supreme Court could rule that domestic violence survivors today deserve only the protections they had in the 18th century — a time before most women could own property or work outside the home, let alone vote.”

Slow-Motion Scandal: Opening the Arctic Slope to Oil Drilling

The Biden administration’s approval of the Willow Project on the North Slope may have felt like it came out of the blue, but of course it didn’t.  It had plenty of history. And plenty of bogus predictions.
