Dan Chasan

Threats Multiply to our Free Press

We’ve entered fraught days for the future of public discourse in the United States. Consider some of the news in the three months or so before Trump’s inauguration.

The Year in Verse: A Little bit Louder, A Tiny bit Worse?

Go take a walk from Pike to shore, right where the viaduct’s no more, gaze out at ferries on the Sound.

Sigh: We Did Tariffs and Deportations Before in America. It Didn’t Go Well

Some historians think the ensuing trade war triggered the Great Depression.  Others think that it at least made the Depression a good deal worse. 

New DNR Chief Will Have More State Forests to Tend

Rural economies and surviving mill towns have struggled economically for decades.  No one has come up with a credible plan to reverse their economic slide.

Sustainable Alaskan Chinook Salmon? That’s a Problem

Puget Sound orcas spend a lot of time in other waters, swimming along the coast from California to Canada.  Wherever they go, they prefer to eat Chinook.  And wherever they go, the Chinook are in trouble.

The Supreme Court’s “Originalism” Unmasked

Does anyone really believe that the Framers, having rid themselves of one king, had any intention of creating another?

Supreme Court’s Rahimi Gun Decision: Thankful for Small Victories

Let’s be grateful for the Rahimi decision.  And hold our breaths for what comes next from the Supreme Court.

Owl Wars: The Battle for Northwest Forests (and Owls)

“If it’s hootin’, I’m shootin’” may be the new reality.  Forever.

Criminalizing Homelessness: Grants Pass at the Supreme Court

If the Supreme Court majority wants practical grounds to rule in favor of Grants Pass regulations, it won’t have to look far.

The Supreme Court Ruling on Colorado Makes No Sense

Some of us found the outcome disappointing. Retired 4th Circuit appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig said on CNN that the decision was “stunning in its overreach.”
