Art Thiel

Art Thiel is a longtime sports columnist in Seattle, for many years at the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and now as founding editor at

Fixing the Mariners: Facing up to a Bad Case of Dry Rot

The way many people, inside of baseball and outside, see the Mariners is as a hapless loser of an organization with a toxic culture that indulges a senior executive like departed CEO Kevin Mather,

An Insurrection, An Inauguration, and Remembering Pete Carroll’s Words

Coach Carroll doesn’t have the leverage of a politician, but he has experience in one of America’s two high-profile industries with majority Black talent (the other is the NBA). He knows his material and his truths.

Seahawks Coach Carroll and the Art of Being Yourself Out Loud

Players typically come from colleges where coaches are tyrants who come down hard on independent thinking, outspokenness, and originality. College coaches see threats everywhere to their empires, as do many pro coaches. But not Coach Carroll.
