The Gentlelady from Washington Carves Up RFK Jr.


The gentlelady from Washington was a steely truth seeker on Thursday morning, as Sen. Patty Murray confronted Cabinet nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about his anti-vaxxer views and false claims.

At issue at the confirmation hearing — RFK, Jr. has been tapped to be Secretary of Health and Human Services —was a vaccine designed to prevent cervical cancer. The vaccine is vouched for by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention but has been largely described by RFK, Jr. as “one of the most dangerous vaccines ever approved.”

You have “said it actually increases the risk of cervical cancer,” said Murray. “Do you stand by those statements?” Kennedy threw up an evasive flurry, refusing to answer the question because a lawsuit against makers of the HPV vaccine is before a court in Los Angeles. The plaintiff is represented by the Wismer Baum law firm that has paid RFK, Jr,, $2.5 million in referral fees since 2022.

Murray wasn’t going to let off the would-be swamp drainer. While overall cancer rates among women have climbed, she noted, “the HOV vaccine has saved lives and cut cervical cancer rates dramatically. Do you stand by those statements, yes or no?”

The onetime preschool teacher from Shoreline was uniquely positioned to press the nominee. Murray is the Senate’s longest serving Democrat. When Democrats were in control, she chaired the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, which held the confirmation hearing. 

Murray is a booster and defender of vaccines, and longtime advocate for funding of diseases that strike women. The first speech she gave in the Senate, 32 years ago, called for action into causes of ovarian cancer. One more credibility factor: Murray had watched and assisted friends dying from ovarian cancer.  She was one of the first women elected to the Senate who was not preceded by a spouse.

Some years back, the Washingtonian magazine ran a snarky evaluation of the raptors and drones of Congress. Murray was listed in two derogatory categories, “Dressed by Goodwill” and “No Rocket Scientist.” The joke was on them. Murray is now in her sixth term and a member of the Democratic leadership. And she connects back home. “We want that seat,” snarled Fox News fossil Sean Hannity on eve of the 2022 election. Murray blew away well-funded GOP challenger Tiffany Smiley with 57 percent of the vote.

She is Washington’s provider of services from a seat on the Senate Appropriations Committee. The “Gentlelady” knows how to work both Washingtons. 

An example: The second Bush administration plotted to close the veterans hospital that is a major employer in Walla Walla. Although in the minority, Murray prevailed on the chair of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, to authorize a field hearing in Walla Walla. The case for closure was blown away. The local VFW chapter produced witnesses saying they would be forced to drive 200-plus miles to distant cities for treatment. As well, the Walla Walla hospital has earned a reputation for repair of broken limbs and emotional wounds from conflict.

It takes intelligence to pull that off, smarts badly needed now. The Trump Administration has adopted a shock-and-awe strategy, seeking to win by intimidation.

The gentlelady is unphased. Eight years ago, she almost blocked confirmation of another unqualified Trump nominee, billionaire Republican donor Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. (Vice President Mike Pence broke a 50-50 Senate tie to get DeVos confirmed.) Murray pushed back when DeVos pushed for federal dollars to go to private, parochial, and charter schools.

Murray mounted an instant attack this week on an Office of Management and Budget memo ordering an immediate freeze on federal grants to non-profits and local governments. It was a rare case of Democrats winning a war of definition, pointing out harm to worthy endeavors. The administration beat a hasty retreat.

Murray took out after RFK Jr. on another front. The thrice married nominee is a notorious philanderer. Wife No. 2 hanged herself in the midst of divorce proceedings. A writer for New York magazine was recently suspended, apparently for steamy phone conversations with the candidate she was covering.

A family baby sitter once accused RFK, Jr, of workplace impropriety. “Did you make sexual advances towards Miss Comey without her consent?” asked  Murray. Kennedy replied that the claim had been “discredited.” How, then, to explain an apologetic phone call in which RFK said he was “not a church boy” and had “so many skeletons in my closet.”

Murray has also been in the forefront of efforts to curb sexual harassment in the military. She can speak to the subject from experience. As a newly arrived member of the Senate, she was groped in a senators-only elevator by South Carolina’s 90-something Sen. Strom Thurmond. 

“Sperm” Thurmond did not recognize Murray as a colleague and hit on her. The gentlelady was elected in part in reaction to accusations and instances of sexual impropriety that ended the career of incumbent Sen. Brock Adams.

Murray has taken on some trappings of a senior senator. Unlike her Oregon colleagues, she does not hold town meetings. Home state schedules are mapped out far in advance, very largely made up of events spotlighting Murray’s issues and featuring Murray’s supporters. Press conferences are few, topics limited and only a few questions allowed. Protective handlers are omnipresent. The unguarded “mom in tennis shoes” is of the distant past.

But, as predecessor Sen. Warren Magnuson liked to say, the meeting doesn’t begin ‘till she gets there. And when Murray arrives, she’s there to advocate for human health and defend the vital signs of democracy.

The handlers can take lessons from the determined gentlelady. She is one tough cookie.

This article also appeared in The Cascade Advocate.

Joel Connelly
Joel Connelly
I worked for Seattle Post-Intelligencer from 1973 until it ceased print publication in 2009, and from 2009 to 6/30/2020. During that time, I wrote about 9 presidential races, 11 Canadian and British Columbia elections‎, four doomed WPPSS nuclear plants, six Washington wilderness battles, creation of two national Monuments (Hanford Reach and San Juan Islands), a 104 million acre Alaska Lands Act, plus the Columbia Gorge National Scenic Area.


  1. Great column, Joel. I am left with just one question: Where is the other Senator from Washington (just re-elected to another 6-year term) in the midst of all the Trump chaos? MIA.

  2. Thanks Joel for this tribute to Senator Murray who is emerging as a powerful and courageous voice in the Senate as she challenges the new Musk/ Trump regime. In addition to exposing the predatory, incompetent, and unhinged RFK, Jr. , she is at the forefront of questioning the illegal antics of unelected billionaire Elon Musk and his strike force of adolescent engineers who are attacking federal agencies and tampering with financial and other private records of hundreds of millions of Americans. Part of the MAGA plan to demolish the federal government and then blame DEI? I salute Senator Murray’s tireless work for a more fair and just nation. She may be an excellent Senate Minority Leader now to replace the seemingly somnolent Senator Schumer.

    • I agree that Senator Murray is to be commended (and encouraged) for willingness to speak out against the deplorable, illegal and often unconstitutional actions being taken by the Trump – Musk regime. But again I ask: Where is Washington’s other US Senator? Why do we hear nothing from Maria Cantwell at a time when our government is being torn down from within — and she has just been re-elected for another 6 years? If Senator Murray deserves an award for her courage, perhaps Senator Cantwell deserves one for her public cowardice and inaction.

      • Maybe a good time for voters to visit Senator Cantwell’s office and flood her offices with messages and calls of concern. Hope she’s not ill or otherwise indisposed. She has been good on most issues I care about, but her votes for some vile Trump nominees and her quiescence now are worrisome. I encourage her to stand with Senator Murray and work to stop the Musk/Trump demolition crew. ASAP. A national emergency.

    • Patty Murray isn’t so much a “tough cookie” as a warrior. Men in public office …especially at her high level…are never spoken of in these terms.

      • My Trish, you are correct. Men in such high office are spoken of as “gentlemen” or a tough cookies. Put your claws away, as knowing Joel, and how well he knows Senator Murray, there was no disrespect intended or meant. Sheesh!

        • I don’t see “cookie” tough or otherwise, in the piece about Sen. Ron Wyden and his fearlessness, which I have no doubt he does possess. Why do some men think they get to tell women when we’re justified in finding something sexist? And “gentle lady” is very different from calling someone a gentleman.

  3. With all due respect to Seattle political correctness, I’ve heard. “Tough cookie” applied to a trio of powerful (former) House members — John Murtha, John Dingell and Olin “Tiger” Teague.
    Teague used to delight in ribbing feminist Reo Bella Abzug, herself a tough cookies.
    In the Senate? Strom “Sperm” Thurmond, Oklahoma oil man Robert Kerr and Nevada’s Harry Reid were so described. Usually with admiration.


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