Reconnecting With Rural America


When I returned from a road trip last June, I was struck by the differences between housing in a metro area like Seattle and the smaller, often poorer homes in small towns  and rural America. What I saw was a striking contrast that stood as a visual statement of the divide between the red and blue parts of the county. Following last Tuesday’s vote, I think it’s worth another look as one of the factors (there are many) telling the story of the presidential election.

Here’s what I wrote about the other America, the poorer, smaller America:

You’ll drive into rural and small-town America and find that today it’s in many ways not much different from that America of more than 30 years ago. What’s different now is where you’re from.

In rural and small-town America the houses are mostly still the same size and they cost less. That helps because incomes there are generally lower than in the city you set out from. Rural America is a long way from Silicon Valley – or any major metro. The employment offered in those areas is pretty much non-existent in rural communities. So, too, the large employment and pay of government centers.      

Read the rest here.

Dick Lilly
Dick Lilly
Dick Lilly is a former Seattle Times reporter who covered local government from the neighborhoods to City Hall and Seattle Public Schools. He later served as a public information officer and planner for Seattle Public Utilities, with a stint in the mayor’s office as press secretary for Mayor Paul Schell. He has written on politics for and the Seattle Times as well as Post Alley.


  1. I think a lot about how my Mason County neighbors have somehow drifted to the right. I subscribe to the Daily World out of Aberdeen. Get to read the garbage Jim Walsh writes for them. Is he really believing all the lies? They also print plenty of other viewpoints. I think someone should Dick Tuck him, every time he shows his fat ass shadow and call him out. I do think we all have so much in common with my neighbors, that with a little effort we could somehow move the needle back to the center. And much needed services would benefit us all. Thanks for speaking up

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