Harris’ Decisive Win over a Bully


Was there a knock-out moment? Harris came close when pummeling Trump on his contempt for law and January 6. She also did a number when she traced his history of racism, as a landlord, to birtherism, to Charlottesville.

But, overall, it was a ten-rounder that went the distance with a decisive, if technical, win for Harris.

Look at Trump’s expressions. Most of the time he had on the face that he wore in the New York courtroom this spring. Defiant to be sure, but so very dark, so very menacing. Are the American people up for four more years of defiance, darkness, and menace? Are the American people up for “American is in decline, terrible decline”?

The answer will be rendered in November, but my guess is “no.”

Harris says, “Let’s move on.” Not from Biden-nomics, but from the nastiness and vitriol. Is she right? Are we ready to move on? Again, the answer will be rendered in November. But my guess is yes. Trump’s “sell-by” date has passed.

If what Trump needed to do was to wrap Harris in Joe Biden, inflation, and Afghanistan. Well, he tried. But didn’t get a knockdown. Not sure he even got her on the ropes.

If what Harris needed to do was to stand her ground against a bully and show him to be one, she accomplished that, with Trump’s help.

Bottom line: Trump was on the defensive most of the night. When he was on offense, it was all hyberbole about “worst,” “decline,” and “I did this and I did that,” which sounded more plaintive than persuasive.

Now the big question: Will it make a difference? Hard to say, since we seem so locked into where we are. But, a cautious “yes.” Harris helped herself.

I wish she hadn’t had a spasm of Elizabeth Warren-esque, “I have a plan.” But Trump hurt himself seeming defensive, petulant, and happy to trumpet b.s. about immigrants in Ohio eating people’s pets.

Anthony B. Robinson
Anthony B. Robinsonhttps://www.anthonybrobinson.com/
Tony is a writer, teacher, speaker and ordained minister (United Church of Christ). He served as Senior Minister of Seattle’s Plymouth Congregational Church for fourteen years. His newest book is Useful Wisdom: Letters to Young (and not so young) Ministers. He divides his time between Seattle and a cabin in Wallowa County of northeastern Oregon. If you’d like to know more or receive his regular blogs in your email, go to his site listed above to sign-up.


  1. She won that debate all right, and moreover, her calls for unity, for an end to the name-calling and hatred engendered by Trump are inspiring. Trump will never stop with his hate. That anyone could vote for him boggles the mind.

  2. Trump had a the last word, asking why she hadn”t done this or that. I don’t know if the average TV watcher realizes that the VP has NO POWER, other than casting tie votes in the senate.


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