Is the Media Asleep Over Trump’s Admission that He Lost in 2020?


Why on earth is Trump’s recent admission hat he lost in 2020 not a front page story everywhere? Trump has finally admitted he lost in 2020 (three times recently), giving the lie to all his hundreds of statements to the contrary, his sponsorship of the “Stop the Steal” movement, and his efforts to have the election results reversed.

As this USA Today story reports, some far-right supporters are now denouncing him, but he hasn’t apologized to the people he misled into storming the Capitol in 2021, nor to the millions of followers who believed him—and probably still do because his admission has been so underplayed by the media. Most leaders of the Republican Party certainly know — and likely knew long ago that the election was free and fair, and not stolen from him. They now need to be held responsible for repeating his lies.

It’s not right to say that no media have reported this story. MSNBC, The Hill, CNN, the Daily Beast, and Yahoo News all have carried stories. But The New York Times and
Washington Post haven’t. Why not?

And the outlets that have given it some play have not followed up and made it the top story it deserves to be. Nor have they explored its ramifications: what do Trump’s leading supporters have to say now? What’s the effect on Trump’s support among 60-plus percent of Republicans who believed his Big Lie and still do? What about the GOP Members of Congress who voted against certifying the 2020 election results. And those who voted against impeaching and convicting him? What effect will the truth now have on the federal cases against Trump?

For certain, the truth needs to be explored extensively in Tuesday’s presidential
debate. And it should have an impact on this year’s election. If Trump loses again and tries to claim he was robbed, no one should believe him.

Mort Kondracke
Mort Kondracke
Morton Kondracke is a retired Washington, DC, journalist (Chicago Sun-Times, The New Republic, McLaughlin Group, FoxNews Special Report, Roll Call, Newsweek, Wall Street Journal) now living on Bainbridge Island. He continues to write regularly for (besides PostAlley), mainly to advance the cause of political reform.


  1. Mr. Marty Oppenhe6

    In a few seconds one can find video of Drumpfh admitting he lost. Several crystal clear versions of “I lost” or “he beat me.”

    There are also newer articles written about his felonious behavior now examined differently under the law.

  2. Thanks for your cautionary words Mort about the media’s coverage of Trump. Missing or ignoring stories seems to be all part of a media effort to normalize Trump’s candidacy at a time when he is increasingly insulting, belligerent, threatening, hateful and completely incoherent. Unlike the media scrutiny of an aging President Biden, it seems Trump is getting a media pass on his advanced age and grave signs of mental deterioration with his excalating gibberish and venomous rants with Nazi rhetoric thrown in. Not to mention that he’s a twice-impeached former president, adjudged the worst president in history by most scholars, and a convicted felon and sexual predator, as well as a traitor who incited violence to end our democracy. Completely unhinged and unfit. Not normal. IMHO.

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