“Having nothing better to do during Covid, I’ve decided to rejuvenate extinct positives,” I told my wife, Judith.
“What are extinct positives?” she responded.
Steve: Words such as promptu, bridled and wieldy. Today these words are used only with a negative prefix.
Judith: So promptu will mean rehearsed, wieldy is practical and bridled implies controlled?
Steve: Precisely. Defunct words will once again be funct and scrutable. People will be gruntled, consolated and mayed as these words flate their vocabularies.
Judith: Everyone will be gusted.
Steve: And requited, once these extinct positives are beknownst and effable.
Judith: I am plussed. You semble and display a great amount of ertia and epitude. But, don’t let yourself get maculate.
Steve: Don’t be peccable. I want you to have givings about this venture.
Judith: I have many givings. I think this is an ane endeavor. You have a choate plan to make vocabularies more shevelled.
Steve: So, you agree that I am petuous and pulsive?
Judith: Absolutely, and also dulgent, dolent and bilitating.
Steve: So long as I remain advertent and capacitated, my work will be kempt, couth and corrigible.
Judith: And ruly and conscionable.
Steve: And ebriated and sipid.
Judith: Your ebriation and sipidity are plorable. You will be a sung hero, precated and paraged for your bauchery, gradement and cadence.
Steve: Don’t forget my pravity.
Judith: I won’t. You are the most praved person I know.
Steve: I promise to stay traught, dignant and combobulated, while remaining placcable, transigent and always tressed.
Judith: Don’t get too nerved. Remember that you are pareil and vincible; success is eluctable, evitable and exorable. Start with reanimating easy words—delible, defatigable, chalant, gainly and cognito. These should quickly become nomers.
Steve: I will be pudent, always appearing ert but never flappable.
Judith: And what will you get out of this?
Steve: I hope to become digent and pecunious.
Judith: And then?
Steve: I will fenestrate Jared Kushner.
Judith: What does that mean?
Steve: I will throw him into a window.
Absolutely plorable.
i am
May you remain kempt and gruntled all the days of your life.
The woman’s a saint, the linquent to your de.
Absolutely petuous and pulsive, ood ne!!