Donald Trump’s re-election chances plummeted last week. Beset by his feckless leadership on coronavirus, his tone-deaf response to nationwide racism protests, a collapsing economy, and his churlish conspiracy with Attorney General Barr to undermine the rule of law, new polls showed Trump trialing Joe Biden by 14 points nationally.
But last night, Trump brilliantly reshuffled the campaign. “This race is about one thing– preserving basic American freedoms, specifically our historic and precious Freedom to Infect,” Trump stated in a Fox News interview with Sean Hannity.
“Freedom to Infect made America great. If our forefathers lacked the freedom to infect native peoples with smallpox, malaria, measles, and scarlet fever, we would all now be working for Squanto, Sitting Bull, and Elizabeth Warren,” Trump said.
“This is why I, along with all liberty-loving Americans, refuse to wear a face masks. Face masks are the Green New Deal. Face Masks are socialism. Real Americans don’t wear face masks. Real Americans infect. FTI! Freedom to Infect!”
After this interview, Trump’s base — Evangelicals, white-males-no-college, and the criminally psychopathic—celebrated his message. Mobs of Trump supporters (mask less) in Texas, Florida, and other Confederate States, rallied in crowded bars to the chant of “USA. FTI. USA. FTI.”
Later today, Vice President Mike Pence will hold a press conference to explain how FTI curbs the spread of coronavirus.