Scott Montgomery of the UW Jackson School details what’s wrong with Trump’s desire to expand offshore drilling (political trouble in most states, blocked by courts, not much oil or gas there), and what makes sense about looking inland.
He writes: “According to published figures and confidential sources I have spoken with, the Permian Basin [Texas and New Mexico] holds approximately 70-100 billion barrels of oil and over 300 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. In a 2018 study the U.S. Geological Survey more than doubled earlier estimates for the Delaware Basin, part of the greater Permian Basin province.”
As you might suspect, Trump’s energy policy is hopelessly out of date and may reflect no more than his desire to undo Obama policies.
In addition to Trump’s goal of undoing Obama policies, do any of his business interests or those of his family members and friends benefit now or in the future from these actions?