
Market-Driven Neo-Liberalism and the Rise of Mega-Churches

It occurs to me is that the neo-liberal period tracks pretty well with the emergence and ascendency of what we came to know as “the mega-church.”

Olympia Report: Opening Moves and Inslee’s dig at New Governor Ferguson

A few reruns from last session, such as that leg-up for striking workers will get their spotlight, but for now, here are some of the new(er) ideas lawmakers cooked up for 2025.

Has the GOP Really Become the Party of the Working Class?

The bottom line is that White working-class voters are more concerned with achieving financial security than with solving cultural grievances beyond their community. 

Upzoning Seattle May Trigger Political Freak-Outs

Earlier zoning changes pale compared to what is on the table today. Exclusive single-family zoning has been eliminated -- period.

How I Came to Write a (Miniature) Book on Jimmy Carter

The pay certainly wasn’t tempting but the idea was just crazy enough to be intriguing. It also presented an interesting challenge: The need to plan on a limited number of words to a line and on fitting 12 lines onto a page.

Earth-Friendly Viticulture: Meet Rule-Breaker Jessica Cortell

My own experience and firm belief in the value of earth-friendly viticulture (my term) means I need no persuasion that these great wines are easily traced back to great vineyard management.

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