
Oncoming Train: Opposing Trump’s Clown Car Cabinet

Trump has spawned a MAGA movement, and overstepping is already apparent. Congress’ phone system is “melting down” with calls from worried constituents.

Business Plan: How I’m going to Influence Influencers and Make a Fortune!

"I will be a social media influencer. It’s easy money. Last year Kylie Jenner averaged $2,386,000 per post,” I told my dubious wife..

Trump Schemes with Putin to Carve up Ukraine. European Allies Stunned

The newly assembled U.S. security and foreign policy team spent the weekend effectively endorsing Trump’s assurances to Russian President Vladimir Putin that his unprovoked war against a sovereign neighbor will end with the Kremlin achieving its main objective.

Consequences: We Tried High Tariffs in the 1930s and the Result was Calamitous

America’s foreign trade fell by two-thirds in the Great Depression. It wasn’t all because of the tariff, but much of it was — and the plunge was in exports as well as imports. The one pays for the other; cut one, and you cut both.

Tasting Wine: Sorting out Taste and Flavor and What you Like

I’m always curious to try to dig a little deeper into what specifically someone likes or dislikes, and it’s difficult (understandably) for most people to break down complex flavors and put them into words.

Remembering Artist Ginny Ruffner: A Charismatic Original Thinker

People who have died and come back are fascinating. We’re dying (sorry) to know if they picked up any interesting information while they were out there, and she was often asked about it.

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